Sustainability Intrapreneurship Program

What it is: Intensive, in-company sustainability entrepreneurship and leadership program.

What it does: Create the next generation of leaders with the sustainability skills to succeed, and lead your company to the next level.

Format: Eight-month interactive or F2F program. The program includes three intrapreneurship workshops, six project coaching sessions, business plan pitch preparation workshops, and participation in the annual One Young World global summit.

Outcomes: Build innovation mindset and skills for future leaders in a company-focused sustainability context. Identify new sustainability-related business opportunities and develop strategies and initiatives to grasp those new opportunities. Develop a global network of contacts with international changemakers, executives, and thought leaders on the world stage through the One Young World global summits. Develop and present business plans and projects to in-company executives for potential development and implementation.

Language: English

Related article: Nurturing the creativity and passion of next-gen sustainability intrapreneurs