Nurturing the creativity and passion of next-gen sustainability intrapreneurs

We are super excited to be in Montreal for the annual One Young World Summit, which every year brings together over 2000 brilliant young minds from across the world to build connections, share learnings, and accelerate action on global issues ranging from climate change, to indigenous rights, mental health, and conflict resolution.

Our team of 18 delegates from a global consulting firm are here as part of a 9-month sustainability intrapreneurship program which kicked off back in Tokyo 2 months ago with workshops on ecosystem thinking, sustainability intrapreneurship skills, and project ideation. Now in it’s 5th year, the program leverages the unique power and transformational nature of the OYW summit as a catalyst for mindset and behaviour change.

Over 4 days, delegates will hear from their peers driving change and making an incredible impact on their communities and environment, as well as from world leaders from business, government, indigenous communities, and the NPO world. Tears will be shed, deep conversations will be had, lasting connections will be made, and everyone will go home changed. The real work then begins when we process all the learnings and emotion, and channel the inspiration and energy to develop tangible business ideas that that solve a real-world problem while also providing value for the company.

Of all the work we do at Global Perspectives and Enteleco (our dedicated sustainability-focused brand), this program stands out as the highlight of our year. With stories of doom and gloom constantly filling our news feeds, witnessing the potential for change and playing our part in enabling that to happen is truly a privilege.

We can’t wait to see what this year’s cohort come up with!

For more information on the Sustainability Intrapreneurship Program, download the Program Introduction.


Change Through People