Sustainability Leadership Lab

A deep-dive collaborative learning program for a small, cross-company cohort of sustainability leaders.

Companies everywhere now know that “Sustainability” is not just a department name – it is the ”new normal”, and needs to be embedded into every aspect of the business. However, creating new targets, strategies, and processes is only half the story.

To be successful, a company’s culture and leaders must be aligned with its sustainability ambition, understanding what it means for their function, and what they need to do to deliver on targets.

For those leaders, it can be a daunting and frustrating journey - where to start, how to get key stakeholders on board, and how to embed new thinking and behaviours into teams… The Sustainability Leadership Incubator is designed to be a bridge between learning and action, bringing together a solid understanding of the local business context with the best in global sustainability thinking and practices.

Key features of the program

• 6-month deep-dive collaborative learning program for a small cohort of sustainability leaders from different organisations and industries

• Participants come together for regular sessions to learn from each other, analyse sustainability leadership challenges, and co-create new best practices that draw on both local and global approaches and experience

• Participants also set personal development goals and create an implementation plan for what they want to achieve in their particular role. The group both supports them and holds them accountable for achieving those goals during the program and beyond

Program benefits

• Deeper understanding of key areas of sustainability, and the challenges related to integrating those aspects into core business operations and culture

• Development of the mindset and skills needed to effectively engage internal and external stakeholders on sustainability issues to drive action

• Concrete feedback and input on your specific sustainability leadership challenges, goals, and ambitions - and a clear implementation plan

• Connection to a high-quality network of international peers and experts, providing access to a valuable long-term and ever-expanding source of knowledge, experience, and diverse perspectives

The first cohort begins in September 2023. If you are interested in joining, do get in touch!




One Young World Summit