How Global Consultancy Promotes Sustainable Innovation and Develops Next-gen Leaders

Photo by <a href="">Jason Goodman</a> on <a href="

Engaging and retaining tomorrow’s leaders and boosting innovation and among the drivers for a world-leading consultancy group’s continued collaboration with the Global Partners/enteleco group. 

Project overview 

  • Category: Sustainability Intrapreneurship Program (inc. One Young World summit)

  • Client: Japan headquarters of “Big Four” consultancy company

  • Challenge: Further drive sustainability-focused innovation within the organisation and engage and retain top young talent

  • Solution: A series of eight-month programs (now in its third year) for teams of young leaders to develop sustainability and leadership skills, including participation in the global One World conference. Furthermore, participants develop and pitch real-world sustainability-focused projects and their ideas to company decision-makers to get the green light to move into the implementation phase.

  • Several proposed projects have been green-lighted for implementation within the organisation. In addition, participants have developed a sustainability intrapreneurship mindset and related skills. As well as building their skills, participants have gained visibility within the organisation, aiding engagement and retention. Finally, participating in a worldwide event has boosted participants’ international network.

  • Next steps: Due to the initiative's success, the company has committed to continue it for at least two more years.

How do we encourage sustainable innovation and engage with and retain our young talent so they can become tomorrow’s leaders? 

That has been the central question driving continued collaboration with one of the world’s largest consultancy groups (by both revenue and headcount). The consulting space often sees intense competition for talent and has simultaneously experienced changing priorities among employees - significantly younger employees. 

Younger employees attach much value to purpose, societal value, and far-reaching positive impact. 

To continue to meet employee demands and offer especially younger employees new opportunities to grow their skillset, leadership and sustainability tools and global inspiration, the consulting company decided to provide the unique, tailored Sustainability Intrapreneur Program to select young employees.

Through a thorough eight-month program, participants were introduced to relevant skills, tools and concepts across innovation, inter-company entrepreneurship (intrapreneurship), leadership and sustainability. The program aims to equip participants with everything they need to develop and follow through on new initiatives, products, and ideas. 

As part of the program, employees could also participate in the global One World conference, broadening knowledge and horizons and building an international network of contacts with like-minded individuals. 

At the end of the program, participant teams pitch ideas developed as part of the program to senior company leadership. The ideas can then become real-world solutions that increase the company’s sustainability-focused solutions and initiatives. 

Two pitched ideas have already been greenlighted for implementation. Simultaneously, participants have developed their sustainability and intrapreneurship mindset and skills and gained visibility within the organisation, aiding engagement and retention.

The success has supported the development of the company’s sustainability-focused culture. As a result, the company is interested in continuing and potentially expanding the program.


Icheon Forum 2022


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